Premier Christianity Magazine

Premier Christianity is the UK's leading Christian magazine: Provoking, inspiring and engaging readers from all parts of the Christian family. Online - App - Print - Email Access rate cards and more information

The UK's leading Christian magazine

Premier Christianity magazine enjoys the advantage of a reader base that shows a loyalty to the magazine which many other formats do not experience. Founded in 1965, it has built a vast pool of loyal readers who feel safe in its very credible environment.

  • The majority of Premier Christianity readers subscribe for longer than 3 years.
  • 95% of Premier Christianity readers would recommend the magazine to friends and family.
  • Our loyal readers consume more content, read deeper, and visit more often. They are more keen to buy presented services or products.
  • Premier Christianity has recently launched a new website and digital app and is attracting a new audience both in the UK and beyond.

Potential Reach and Engagement


Readership: 27,500 monthly
Circulation: 11,000 monthly
Subscribers: 10,000 monthly
Digital Readers: 877 monthly
Reader Profile: Male 52% Female: 48%


Monthly page views: 300,000
Unique visitors: 174,000

Social media

Facebook: 16,200
Twitter: 30,000
Instagram: 7,411

‘Christian pilgrimage is a key market for EL AL Airlines & Premier Christianity has always been the best way to reach out to the UK Christian community. Our partnership has proven success over the years, connecting more and more Christians to Israel. It’s always a pleasure doing business with the team and EL AL will continue to support Premier Christianity for many years to come.’

El Al Airlines

A print ad in Premier Christianity magazine has real lasting power

Premier Christianity readers trust our content. This means they also trust the advertisements they see in Premier Christianity, which makes people far more open to your message.

When you place an advert on-page in Premier Christianity, you are marketing directly to the Christian community and decision makers from from the breadth of the Christian family. In other words, by simply placing the ad you’ve targeted a market niche that is probably already interested in the type of product or service you’re offering.

Advertising in Premier Christianity will enable you to reach different Christians groups. Our broad readership range encompasses Roman Catholic and Protestant denominations as well as non-denominational churches, in addition to standard demographic categories such as income, geographic region, ethnicity, sex and age.

If you haven’t advertised in a Christian magazine before, consider adding this channel to your next campaign. You just might be surprised how effective this strategy is.

09 Brochure Mockup

Take advantage of online engagement

Draw people to your website, social media presence or YouTube/Vimeo channel via our banner ads, available in a variety of sizes.

About the Audience

About the Audience

Typical Premier Christianity readers are UK Charismatic evangelicals. They are typically ABC1, in paid employment or retired, heavily involved in their local church, community and social action.


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Advertising opportunities


On page – half, full and double page options including advertorials & sponsored content. We have a wide range of on – page advertising options to suit all budgets, and offer a design service for those clients needing a bespoke campaign.

Sponsoring a publication or even a specific editorial section, helps build your brand story. Through a close association with Premier you will build credibility , achieve prestige, and strengthen your public image, putting  your brand story and messages in front of people on their faith journey who share our Christian values. Sponsorship is a highly effective way of capturing consumer attention.

Cover Wraps
Cover wraps are dedicated front and back cover pages that wrap around the entire publication giving you four pages of highly visible sponsored content. Readers interact with this content for long periods, even after publication, and are ideal for highlighting key messages and calls to action, making them desirable to media buyers and brand builders. 

Inserts are an efficient way of carrying your message straight to the doormat, reaching like minded readers who subscribe to our magazines and want to hear your story. Separately printed and inserted into the publication they offer excellent value.



Digital Advertising
Use online innovative and engaging ads to capture your target market, converting browsers into loyal customers.Using compelling messaging and visual elements ensures the highest response levels and the best return on your investment.

Email Advertising
Advertise on one or Premier’s newsletters sent to tens of thousands of people every week. Highly targeted and respected news and editorial content delivered straight to inboxes of Premier subscribers, reaching engaged Christians who are loyal and responsive.

Sponsor a show, website, a webpage or even a podcast and build your brand story across the full breadth of Premier’s media platforms. Through a close association with Premier you will build credibility , achieve prestige, and strengthen your public image, telling your brand story to millions of people on their faith journey who share our Christian values. Sponsorship is a highly effective way of capturing consumer attention.

Find out how advertising with Premier can help your organisation reach its goals